Constant Summer

Paul & Victoria's Travel Blog

Month: January 2020 (page 1 of 4)

“Do not dwell in the past; do not dream of the future; concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Buddha #buddha #buddhaquote #buddhism #buddhist #ayutthaya #ruins #thailand #montanagirl #traveling #exploring #learning #vagabond #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephoto #blackandwhitephotography

Buddha in a tree at Wat Mahatat Ayutthaya, Thailand. #ayutthaya #thailand #buddha #buddhist #buddhism #tree #treeofenlightenment #ruins #montanagirl #traveling #exploring #learning #vagabond

Wat Pho, Bangkok, Thailand. #watpho #bangkok #thailand #montanagirl #traveling #exploring #learning #vagabond

‘Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.’ – Buddha #buddha #buddhas #buddhist #buddhism #buddhaquote #bangkok #thailand #montanagirl #traveling #exploring #learning #vagabond

Views from the Grand Palace, Bangkok , Thailand. #thailand #bangkok #grandpalace #sunout #montanagirl #traveling #exploring #learning #vagabond

Every time we get to have an experience with these beautiful animals my heart feels that much more full. Thank you to the @elephantjunglesanctuary for the experience and thank you @calpaully for always making this happen. Love love love 🐘🐘🐘 #elephant #elephants #love #elephantjunglesanctuarypattaya #thankful #grateful #thailand #montanagirl #traveling #exploring #learning #lucky #vagabond

Afternoon naps. #cat #catsofinstagram #instacat #bangkok #thailand #recliningbuddha #montanagirl #traveling #exploring #learning #vagabond

Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts. – Buddha #buddha #buddhism #buddhist #buddhaquote #quote #siemreap #angkorwat #cambodia #montanagirl #traveling #exploring #learning #vagabond

So old and so ancient. Angkor Wat, you blow my mind…..! So grateful for experiencing this again….. #ancient #oldschool #ruins #angkorwat #siemreap #cambodia #montanagirl #traveling #exploring #learning #vagabond

‘Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.’ -Buddha #buddha #buddhas #buddhist #buddhism #buddhaquote #quote #donotdwell #positivevibes #happyvibes #presentmoment #siemreap #angkorwat #cambodia #montanagirl #traveling #exploring #learning #vagabond

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